Delivery and FAQs
Our standard delivery service is 2 working days when you order before 5pm. (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm). If you ask us to, we will try to deliver on a day which is convenient to you, but we cannot guarantee to do this. Delivery will usually be in the morning.
If you are placing an order of at least 12 bottles and require faster delivery, please let us know by email and we will try to accommodate you but there may be an extra charge. We cannot deliver faster than next day for orders we process on a working morning.
A few other useful bits of info...
- The wine is supplied by our UK affiliate, Terre and Terroir Limited,Cassini House, 57 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1LD,
- We use a specialist courier, Evri, to deliver your wine or in some cases London City Bond, the wine logistic specialist;
- We can add a gift message and specific delivery instructions to your order. Just add these on the checkout page;
- If you give instructions, they will leave the wine in a safe place which you designate if you're not in (please leave instructions when you checkout).
We do everything possible to provide you our wine in the best condition. However if the wine is corked or damaged, then we will replace it free of charge or we'll give you a full refund.
N.B. If you have several bottles of the same wine that you want refunding, please don't open them as we'll come and collect them. We'll let you know when you get in touch.